So now that McCain lost, can we put SNL out of its misery too? It really just isn't funny anymore.
How 'bout dat Obama? I'm not one to put an inordinate amout of faith in career politicians, but I did vote for Obama and I am glad to see him win rather than McCain. Time will tell, of course, whether Obama can really fix anything and if he can do more than give pretty speeches. I'm not ready to sing his praises just yet, he still needs to wow us.
As for you Republican-types out there (if indeed any of you happen to read my blog at all.), your guy had almost half the popular vote and he conceded very graciously (despite the throngs of idiots chanting "USA!" at his campaign headquarters). If you're sore about it at all, then maybe now you can appreciate how us lefty-liberals felt eight years ago when we thought we had it made, and someone who did not represent us (or very few people in the world for that matter) won the election. History will serve as a reminder of how lousy a president we've had over the last eight years, and if anybody is better than Bush, then I'm glad that that "anybody" is Obama.