Sunday, June 29, 2008

In the Wake of Awake! You NEED to be there!

On Friday, July 11, Jeanne Cassanova's ArtHouston show, In the Wake of Awake opens at the Joan Wich gallery on Montrose. I will be taking roll for this event, so if you don't want me to mark an absence down on your permanent record, you will be there between the hours of 6-8 PM (unless you have a doctor's note, or just a well written letter from your parents or legal guardian on Monday) . If you see only one show for ArtHouston, make it this one! It'll be even BIGGER than the Big Show! In fact, don't even bother going to the Big Show - all of the good work got rejected! (And no, I didn't enter this year, so don't accuse me of sour grapes!)
Just come to Jeanne's show! This is what contemporary art in Houston is really all about!