Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What would you really give to be president?

Hey John McCain! If I vote for you, will you give me one of those 13 cars you've got? I sure could use an extra set of wheels and I could always sell it when our economy crumbles and a guy like me can't even afford a loaf of bread. Okay, just thought I'd run that past you! Thanks!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Back in NOLA!

We have returned to the New Orleans area after living and working in Houston, TX for three years. Yes, it does feel good to be back home. We mostly returned because of our families, but also because of a general quality of life that we felt was missing back in Houston. Yeah, there were good times and great people in Houston, but to us, nothing beats the Crescent City.
So for better or worse, here we are, and here we shall remain.